Writing Services

Ghost Writer Media

We write for you…..

Does your website content create engagement? Are your words creating sales?  Are you frustrated by the ever-changing online SEO-optimized content?

“The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.” –Thomas Jefferson

How can you make your company stand out from the rest in today’s intense market competition?

Sometimes it seems like there aren’t enough hours in the day to run and business your business. If your marketing tasks look like this, we can help…. 

How can you make your company stand out from the rest in today’s intense market competition?

The answer is through clear, concise, and captivating content. At Ghost Writer Media, we understand that copywriting is about telling the right story to the right audience.

Your Business Can’t Afford Mediocre Business Messaging

Did you know that grammatical errors, misspellings, and vague language can undermine your messaging and turn away potential customers? In this economy, you can’t afford to lose customers and clients. Well-written copy attracts new customers and clients and builds trust with your audience. Even the folks at Google agree: high-quality SEO content is the best way to improve your site’s ranking.

Creating Content that Sells Takes Time, Research, and Storytelling Talent

Creating high-performing content takes more skills than you may realize. A great copywriter can edit, proofread and revise your content for maximum impact on your audience. A copywriter must understand your company’s brand, messaging, and the latest marketing strategies.

Improve Your Reach and Achieve Better Results by Hiring a Professional Copywriter

A professional copywriter can bring better ranking, audience engagement, and messaging on search results.

We offer FREE branding, copywriting, and editing consultations.


An overview of Individual Services


Our Work

Clothing Company

Lily Breeze

​​Lily Breeze is a Caribbean-inspired clothing line that celebrates the beauty and resiliency of the Caribbean-its environment, culture, and people. Our vibrant, colorful, and high-quality clothing allows customers to wear a chic piece of the tropics no matter where they reside. ​​​We are compassionate and purpose-driven, donating 10% of all profits to invest in the future of the Caribbean people by helping neglected orphanage children receive much-needed food, shelter, clothing, ​and medical attention.

Editing services

"No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader." --Robert Frost

One of the most important things when it comes to writing and is clarity. 

After the thrill fades, though, you may realize that more work is needed before you can begin the publication process. If you want to be successful in an increasingly competitive market, you need a manuscript critique and professional editing. Whether you’re seeking acceptance from a traditional publishing house or are looking to self-publish, our experienced book editors can smooth out your writing and provide the critical commentary you need to take your manuscript to the next level.

A good editor is not out to criticize your work, they want to collaborate with you to make your writing the best it can be. 

Services we offer:

We believe every story is worth sharing. A ghostwriter shapes your words into a story.

At Writers Publishing House, we want to support you at every stage of writing, regardless of how much experience you have as a writer. Editing not only provides you with fresh insight about your writing, but also increases the likelihood of success in your writing career. We can provide the affordable, high-quality editing you need, and we can help make you a better writer.

Our Manuscript Editing service combines developmental editing and copy editing to improve your draft by cleaning up the writing so you can concentrate on the creative process. For fiction, we look closely at plot, characterization, dialogue, and other elements. For nonfiction, we look at the support for your arguments, the organization of your manuscript, and the clarity of your prose. And for manuscripts of any genre, we review your writing for stylistic and mechanical issues, ensuring consistency and providing constructive feedback.


Accepting New Authors

Founder and Owner Lizzy McNett understands the importance of exemplary customer service; it is the basis for any successful business. She believes, “Everyone should profit from their passion.”

Submit Manuscripts for 2023
Year Experience

“Content is nothing but showing your creativity through words”

Freelance Copywriting

Are you looking for a freelance copywriter? At Ghost Writer Media we take the art of copywriting very seriously.

Copywriting is the art of selling people on an idea, brand, or ideology. The best copy fuses the products and ideology of a brand together to create your brand.

We are passionate about helping your business grow through optimized, impactful, and engaging written copy. Some of our services listed below:

Business Writing

Business Proofreading: Before you send that document off, you need to have it carefully proofread to eliminate spelling, grammar, and typographical errors.

Website Editing: Web copy needs to be relevant and attention-grabbing. Our editors will help you polish your writing.

Website Proofreading: Websites need to be as professionally written as printed documents. Let our proofreaders check your copy and your markup.

Business Editing and Proofreading

In the business world, time is money. Your day is busy enough without having to worry about checking or improving memos, reports, presentations, manuals, and all of those other vital but time-consuming documents. Yet, you want to be noticed for your ideas, not your mistakes. Sending an important memo out to the masses with even one typo can be disastrous. You never know who is keeping track of the little things.

Business Editing is the right choice for you. We’ll help you establish and maintain your professional reputation by providing the best editing for your business communications. We can be your secret weapon without burdening your support staff. Our fast turnaround on orders will save time and give you a competitive edge. Let us take care of the details so you can focus on the key aspects of your business. 

Our Work

Unhackable: Your Online Security Playbook

George Mansour

​​How do we maintain our privacy and security when everything online is being exposed and logged? How do we secure our connections, permissions, and access to sensitive data in an unstable environment? These questions are concerns for everyone around the world. Our data information is continuously being tracked and stored.

If you are like the many others I help, you may also be alarmed about the growing web of technology surrounding us. Although, the real question is, how do we best protect ourselves against these technological innovations?

Content Writing Services

Do you need some content writing in your life? Are you looking to hire a freelance writer with years of writing and brand experience?

Content writing is the art of creating content. It needs to either inform, educate or entertain; it needs to have a clear purpose and represent the brand’s voice. But it also needs to be a good read.

But that’s not all! Great content writing will help you bring in new customers and clients!

The best content content writing aligns with strategic business and marketing goals to attract audiences and potential customers.

Blogging Services

Writing blog posts applies well-written quality content that engages readers. Adding accurate keywords can increase online traffic.

What Is SEO-Optimized Content?

Optimized content brings relevant traffic based on what someone searches for on a search engine.

Below are some fundamental qualities of optimized content:

  • Keywords are created based on the content. Use target search words to engage search engine algorithms.
  • Solve a problem competitors cannot resolve.
  • Write compelling content to keep readers engaged. Make sure they want to come back and read more.
Handbook Cover

My Writing

The Handbook of Horsemanship

Anna Elizabeth Judd

The Brilliance of Your Stature
Creates an Image of Perfection
Floating Throughout the Land
Free to Roam
In the Face of Adversity
Your Strength Shines Through
From Every Fiber of Your Being
With a Heart of Fire
Passion to Survive the Existence of Time
Your Chi Flows In a Glow
Infecting Life’s Energy
To the Beings in Your Presence
Through Evolution You Became Extinct
Your Image Silenced from Sight
Although the Essence of Your Soul
Placed In the Ground to Flourish
Once Again. Recognized as,
 “The Grass Remembers Them.”
The Horse

Creative Branding Copywriting

Branding refers to the personality and emotion infused into a company’s messaging, whether that’s on blogs, social media, print ads or any advertising medium. It encompasses everything from the words and language, to the personality and images your marketing assets aim to invoke.

Three things your branding should include:

More than ever, readers want to make an emotional connection with their favorite brands. They want to read content that speaks to them — not at them, and not past them. Applying the right message will make readers want to learn more about your services, or products. 

When it comes to written content, it can be difficult to strike the right tone. 

We can help you with the following freelance services:

Ready to take the next step?

Storytelling is one of humanity’s oldest and most powerful tools. Well-crafted narratives can connect people, heal wounds, inspire, lead, and create change. Stories are humanity’s entry point into a different world, they have a truly transformative power that allows us to experience life in a different context.

Stories have the power to change the world in profound ways. It is one way to express the truth from all different contexts.

Over the years, the core principles of storytelling haven’t changed. In the digital age, we now have different tools with which we can shape our narratives in new and creative ways. Social media is a powerful instrument that gives us creative control over how others see our business or our brand.

At Ghost Writer Media we are passionate about creative storytelling in all of its forms including social media, blogs, website content, and more. Everyone has a story to tell, let us help you tell your story. Our creative storytelling connects your audience to your brand on an emotional level.

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Writers Publishing House is an American-owned book publisher committed to helping authors fulfill their publishing goals. Since 2007.


Our packages are affordable, high-quality and scalable to fit the needs of each individual author.