explorer package

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The Explorer package takes all the publishing options of our Fundamental package including promotional materials and an expedited book review from Kirkus.


“If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.”–Toni Morrison
$ 5997.99
  • Digital Formatting and Distribution (E-Book)
  • Paperback Publishing
  • Hardcover Publishing
  • Cover & Interior Customization
  • Electronic Proofs of Your Book
  • One-On-One Author Support
  • Online Distribution through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Other Book Retailers
  • ISBN Assignment (Imprint Writers Publishing House)
  • Author Domain Name Reg. 1y.
  • Author Meta Date Optimization
  • 6 Social Media Accounts Set-Up
  • Author Logo
  • 20 Social Media Posts - Book Mock-ups
  • 60 day social media calendar scheduling
  • Kirkus Expedited Book Review
  • Deluxe Website Setup 1yr reg.


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Writers Publishing House is an American-owned book publisher committed to helping authors fulfill their publishing goals. Since 2007.


Our packages are affordable, high-quality and scalable to fit the needs of each individual author.